noun - “a building used for public Christian worship.”

This is the definition of “church” when you look it up on Google. Who would’ve guessed that Google could be wrong? You’ve probably heard the phrase “The church is not a building, WE are the Church.” In fact, it’s possible that you’ve heard that phrase hundreds of times. It seems overused. But we still go to church. We still invite our friends to church. We still worship at church. People still plant churches.

While I was in San Antonio last week, I heard one pastor say “The church has been multi-site since the first century.” (A multi-site church is a church with multiple campuses). When he said this, I began to think about what this statement actually entailed. Essentially, not only is each church a campus of the capital “C” Church, but each person is a campus and they are each beacons of light in their own communities and traffic patterns.

When we view buildings as the only definition of the church two things happen:

  1. We compartmentalize the church, and therefore Christianity. Our walk with Christ then becomes something that only happens on Sundays.

  2. We buy into the lie that the only way to get people to Jesus is by bringing them to church.

The truth of the matter is you are the church in your neighborhood. You represent Christ in your home, apartment, dorm room, or wherever you call home. You represent Christ in the grocery store, in the workplace, at school, etc. As cliché as it may sound, YOU ARE THE CHURCH. You have been commissioned to be a light into the neighborhood that God has you in. Stop waiting for the church (building) to do the work, because you are the Church.

Chad Dickenson